Word Smart

Word Smart

This is the homepage of WORDSMART user can start the use by entering name.


A list of words opens in the Words page. When you click on that word, the below screen opens.

GRE Wordlists:

In GRE Word List, Words are sorted alphabetically. When you click on a specific word, a dropdown opens and the meaning of that word appears in that dropdown. When you click on speaker button then word will be speak, when your word is read after clicking on the right button, that word is considered as read.

Flash Cards:

This screen displays when you click on a flashcard. When you click on speaker button then word will be speak. when your word is read after clicking on the right button, that word is considered as read. When you click on that word, the below screen opens.

In this page, what is the meaning of that word and its usage is given. When you click on speaker button then word will be speak and if want and when your word is read after clicking on the right button, that word is considered as read.

Word Playlist:

When you click on a specific word in the Word playlist screen, you can hear the meaning of that word and even if your mobile is locked, the playlist doesn't stop, you can listen to it continuously and that image is given below


When you click on Add mastered words to playlist button then mastered words added to playlist, when you click on Add mastered words to flashcards button then mastered words added to flashcards, Mastered words are reset when you click the Reset mastered words (this action cannot be undone) field. When you click on Notifications field then the below screen is displayed.

In this screen If the enabled button is on, you can set the start time and end time and simultaneously you can set the word count.

In this screen you can set the time from Monday to Sunday. If you don't want to set the time on a day, you can turn off the button in front of that day.

Here you can also set everyday alarm or set it on any day you want. If you click on new reminder, you can set a new alarm.

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