Call Tracking
In this Login page login is done after entering username and password. If the user is not registered then he can register by clicking on the Register link and after the registration is complete, he can login by entering the username and password.
In the Total Calls field displays the count of total calls, in Today's Calls field shows a count of how many calls have been completed in Total Calls and the Remaining Calls field shows the count of pending calls.
Day wise data shows total calls for that date, number of calls confirmed and number of calls to be returned.
Today's Task:
In Add New Task, user can mention the name, contact, address, description, comments, and the name of the person who called and the added task appears on the homepage of Today's new task. In Edit user can change the Description and Comments of that person.
In Calendar shows red color for Inactive/Pending calls, green color for completed calls, and blue color for total calls and the dot of that color is shown on the respective dates in the calendar.
In the manager's Dashboard, the date is displayed in the Date field, the total calls of that date are shown in the Total Calls field, No of calls yet to be done field shows how many calls have been completed, the number of calls made by which person in No of calls done per person. The graph of what has been done is also shown.
Today's Task's
In the Todays task page, the total calls appear in the Total Calls field, Today's calls field shows the count of today's calls, Remaining calls field shows how many calls are pending. all fields have dropdown which shows list of all calls, calls have completed and calls yet to complete. When you click on the Total Calls field and Today's Calls field then the following screens are display.
Total Calls:
In the Total calls field displays the total Calls, when you click on Total Calls field, then dropdown list will opens and in the dropdown list shows employee Name, total calls of that employee, how many calls he has completed and how many calls are remaining.
Today's Calls:
In the Today's Calls page, two fields are display Total calls and Today's calls, are displayed. A dropdown list is displayed after you click on Today's Calls. In that dropdown list display employee name and his total calls are displayed.
In the manager's calendar shows the status of the employee's calls. Red color for Inactive/Pending calls, green color for completed calls, and blue color for total calls and the dot of that color is shown on the respective dates in the calendar.